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Our vision is to raise a generation which/that will make the nation proud by being knowledge thinkers, generous servers and confident contributors who can bring positive changes in this world.We are committed to quality education of global dimensions leading to man-making and nation-building. Our aim is to help a child realise his/her inner strength and give him a conducive environment to grow and evolve as a good social being.
Indian Public School desire to be a school where we can provide a learner-centric education for your children so they can achieve their full potential in the respective fields of education they wish to pursue and build a better world. We invite you to be a part of this journey through a variety of ways – by learning with us, by contributing in thought and spirit and by sharing your learning experiences.
With a belief that “Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world”,we are committed to build a school which/that will focus on the overall development of child which will enable them to be a capable,responsible and performing citizen……


Our Mission

We aspire to create outstanding organisation that promote educational excellence, character development and service to communities. We believe that each child is an individual with varying needs. By fostering a conducive environment full of care and creativity, we are committed to instill in each student a desire to learn with emphasis on the social, emotional, physical and intellectual developmental aspects, thereby bestowing the necessary traits such as resilience, adaptability and knowledge for achieving the highest standards of achievement.

Education at Indian Public School is a relentless quest for excellence, for the fullest possible development of a student’s personality and potential viz. academic, spiritual, moral, socialand physical- are the key endeavours.We are also eyeing upon providing such a resourceful learning environment where students can develop into “Citizens of the World”. We firmly believe that each child is an individual with varying needs. By fostering a conducive environment full of care and creativity, we are committed to instill in each student a desire to learn with emphasis on the social, emotional, physical and intellectual developmental aspects, thereby bestowing the necessary traits such as resilience, adaptability and knowledge for achieving the highest standards of achievement.